HoMe PaGe

bOuT mE


LiNx AnD tHaNx

CoNtAcT pAgE

PhOtO PaGe 1

a LittLe abOuT mE

Name~ Morgan

BiRtHdAy~ July 6th

hEiGhT~ 5'8"

EyEs~ hazel       hAiR~ brown  w/blonde

SoMe BaNdS i LiKe~(in no order)  Brand New, TBS, Kittie, Blindside, The Vines, AFI, Story of the Year, The Distillers, Mest, Pennywise, Silverchair, Sex Pistols, Something Corporate, Blink182, Simple Plan, Orgy, The Eyeliners, Wakefield, Kill Hannah, Yellowcard....there are lots more but thats all i can think of rite now...

FaVe FoOd~ peanut butter 

FaVe SoDa~ Mountain Dew

FaVe NuMbEr(s)~ 3 and 9


        ill get one of those surveys soon.